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ISR’s unique results are achieved through fully customized, safe and effective, one-on-one lessons with only your child and the Instructor in the water. What your child will learn, and the way he or she will learn it, is what makes ISR so different from traditional swimming lessons.


Always putting safety first, ISR emphasizes competence, which leads to confidence, and provides the foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment in and around the water.


What your child will learn depends on his or her age and developmental readiness, but in all cases, at minimum, your child will learn to roll onto his or her back to float, rest, and breathe, and to maintain this position until help arrives.

Rollback to Float

Infants + Young Toddlers (age 2 and under) will learn the ISR Self-Rescue skill of rolling onto their backs to float, rest and breathe. They learn to maintain this position until help arrives.

Swim Float Swim

When an instructor deems a child developmentally ready (usually age 2.5 yrs and up) they will learn the full ISR Self-Rescue sequence in the water. They will practice swimming until they need air, rotating onto the back to float,

then rolling back over to continue swimming. ISR students are taught to repeat this sequence until they reach the safety of the steps, side of the pool, or the shoreline.

Maintenance & Refreshers

Students who have been previously skilled in ISR will be offered Maintenance & Refresher opportunities to maintain their skills and confidence throughout the year. Maintenance is the most common follow up option. These lessons are typically suggested at a cadence of 1-2x lessons every ~10-12 weeks. Refreshers are daily lessons for 1-3 weeks and are offered as instructor avails allow every 6 mos or so, primarily for students who could not attend maintenance. Parents will work with their instructor to determine a Maintenance + Refresher schedule that is right for their child.

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